
As with any other framework, the purpose of views is to print or return contents, keeping a logical separation between business logical and front end design.

Bundled version: If you bundle the framework with your Plugin, you should prepend your plugin namespace to the Sci namespace when referencing framework components. For example, if you use the bundled version you should reference the MyPlugin\Sci\View class instead of the Sci\View class.

Creating a View

Views are plain php files. To call a view, you first need to create a new file and place it into the views folder. The file can have both .php extension or .view.php extension. The views folder is the ../app/views directory by default. That is, your main plugin directory followed by the views directory.

To create a view you just need to call the create method of the View class. This method accepts the next parameters:

  • file <string>: The view file, relative to the views dorectory (optional).
  • plugin <string>: The plugin where the framework should look for the view. The main plugin, if there's a main one, is selected by default (optional).
  • module <string>: The module where the view is located. No module is selected by default (optional).

Here is an example of how to create the myView.view.php which is located in the views/go directory:

namespace MyPlugin;
use Sci\View;
function show()
$myView = View::create('go/myView');

Here is another of how to create the myView.view.php which is located in the views/go directory of the plugin with the id 'otherplugin'):

namespace MyPlugin;
use Sci\View;
function show()
$myView = View::create('go/myView', 'otherplugin');

And here is another of how to create the myView.view.php which is located in the views/go directory of the plugin with the id 'otherplugin' inside the 'mymodule' module):

namespace MyPlugin;
use Sci\View;
function show()
$myView = View::create('go/myView', 'otherplugin', 'mymodule');

Rendering a View

Creating a view is not enough, as you will need to use the render method to render it. Here is an example:

namespace MyPlugin;
use Sci\View;
function show()
return View::create('go/myView')->render();

View Parameters

You can set view parameters using the params method of the View class, which accepts the next parameters:

  • params <array>: An array with the parameters. The keys of the array are the parameter names and the values the parameter values.

Here is an example:

namespace MyPlugin;
use Sci\View;
function show()
return View::create('go/myView')->params(['myVar'=>'My variable value'])->render();

The parameters configured here swill be avaiable into the view file.

Views Configuration

It's possible to change the default views folder for each plugin. To do so, just update the views['dir'] option into the config.php file. If the option does not exist, just add it. In the next example we are using the 'myviews' folder instead of the default one:

'views' => [
'dir' => 'myviews'